How to Write Newsworthy Content

In an age of social media where false news stories spread like wildfire, it is important to be aware of what you share online. Even though platforms like Facebook and Instagram are working to combat this issue, it is ultimately the responsibility of each individual to sift through what they read or watch. To do this, look for outlets that take a more considered approach to journalism. These include VOX, Refinery29 and The Skimm. They are more likely to give you the facts, context and nuance that help make better decisions. They also tend to focus on explanatory news rather than just reactionary news. If you still feel the need to clog your friends’ feeds with unsubstantiated claims, try to stick to articles that provide a more thoughtful and balanced view of the situation, such as Flareā€™s Explainer series.

Generally speaking, news is about people. People who are well-known, famous or of significance make the most interesting news. This is especially true when they fall from grace, lose their status or are embroiled in scandal. Similarly, events that involve people and affect them in some way, such as the weather, food shortages or crop diseases are of interest to many.

Other things that can be newsworthy are those which surprise or contrast with what is normally expected. This can be achieved through a range of techniques such as presenting a problem or issue in an unexpected way or by adding a note of drama or conflict. Stories that feature animals, an unfolding drama or human interest are often also of interest to many people. This can be due to the fact that they elicit empathy or are simply entertaining.

It is important to know your audience when writing news. This can be determined by your demographic, but it is also affected by what you are reporting on and how much local impact it has. For example, if you are reporting on an event that is affecting the community of Kansas City, your readership will be largely composed of residents of the city.

You should also avoid using jargon and cliches which will only alienate your audience. They will tune out if they feel lost or have to search for definitions of acronyms and abbreviations. It is also a good idea to keep your word count low, as readers will get bored quickly if you use long tangents and winding sentences. This is not to say that you cannot write a lengthy news article, but it should be kept to a minimum and the information should be clear.