What Is Religion and How Does It Influence Politics?


Religion has many meanings and types and is present in multiple cultures. Here are some basic facts about religion. The first is that it is a social genus, which means it can exist in more than one culture. Another fact is that there is no one single definition of religion. Historically, people have believed in disembodied spirits, cosmological orders, and explicit metaphysics.


The history of religion is the study of religious beliefs and feelings in the past. This period starts about 5,220 years ago with the invention of writing. It is divided into two parts: prehistory and history. Prehistory is the study of religious beliefs that were not recorded by writing.


The word religion derives from the Latin word religio, meaning “to bind” or “to bind with devotion.” It refers to common beliefs and practices relating to the supernatural, often codified in the form of prayer, ritual, scriptures, and religious law. These traditions usually share a common canonical vocabulary and are rooted in a specific cultural context. They often contain moral codes and distinguish between the sacred and profane worlds.


Religion is an important tool to achieve a sense of coherence and meaning in the world. It is our way of explaining the mysteries of life and bringing comfort to ourselves and others. It is considered an intrinsic part of our existence, and scholars have called us “homo religiosus” (religious man). In recent history, religion has been used to legitimize and justify institutions.


Religions come in many different forms and are found throughout the world. They influence everything from Sunday afternoon activities to justification for mass suicide. They are found in business models, constitutional laws, and political platforms. They also provide the rationale for countless wars.

Influence on politics

Throughout history, religion has influenced politics. It has motivated people to participate in political events. This connection is evident today, with the rise of nationalism and religious extremism. But how exactly does religion influence politics?


Idolatry is the worship of a creature as opposed to God. This belief arises from man’s limited ability to comprehend the infinite perfection of God. In this ignorance, man develops an obscurant notion of a higher power and begins to worship sticks and stones as God.